John Masek, senior vice president, Bearing Service Inc., was named the 25th recipient of the Warren Pike Award during the PTDA Annual Business Meeting on October 23, 2015.
Masek has been, and still is, an active and committed PTDA and PTDA Foundation volunteer for over 20 years, beginning his service on committees such as the Employee Relations, Industry Relations and Communciations committees. John served as a Trustee for the PTDA Foundation from 2003-2005 and will be serving again beginning in 2016. He was elected to the PTDA Board of Directors in 2004, continuing in additional officer positions during the years, culminating with a term as president in 2008.
Warren Pike Award recipients are selected by the PTDA Board and are not informed of the honor in advance. Masek graciously accepted the award, stating, “This is something I never thought to have.” He thanked his wife, Sue Masek, for 33 years of support and Doug Savage, Bearing Service Inc. president, for getting him involved in PTDA. Bearing Service is the first PTDA member organization to have two Warren Pike Award recipients and three PTDA presidents from among its employees. Masek also thanked his Bearing Service Inc. colleagues for their “hard work to keep all the customers happy” and the manufacturers with whom they have endured some hard times but still stuck together.
(courtesy of Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA)) www.ptda.org